House of Gladness

Becoming a Partner

Join us in strengthening the Church by restoring pastors, missionaries, and spouses.
Ways to Partner with House of Gladness
Here are ways that you can part of what the Lord is doing through House of Gladness.
"Unless the Lord builds the house, the laborers labor in vain" (Ps. 127:1). We know that we are absolutely dependent on the Lord, and on the prayers of His people. Will you pray for us?
We believe that word-of-mouth is the most effective way of letting people know about our ministry. Will you tell others about House of Gladness?
While most of the expenses of our ministry are covered by the participants (and their partners!), we also raise funds for scholarships and other ministry costs. Though we are too small for ECFA certification, we seek to adhere to their Seven Standards (see below). Will you support us financially?
Along with our team of intercessors, we recruit people to help in all kinds of ways (hospitality, transportation, legal counsel, financial advice, communication, etc.). Will you share your time and expertise with us?
ECFA's Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship

Standard 1 –
Doctrinal Issues – Every organization shall subscribe to a written statement of faith
clearly affirming a commitment to the evangelical Christian faith or shall otherwise
demonstrate such commitment, and shall operate in accordance with biblical truths and

Standard 2 –
Governance – Every organization shall be governed by a responsible board of not less
than five individuals, a majority of whom shall be independent, who shall meet at least
semiannually to establish policy and review its accomplishments.

Standard 3 –
Financial Oversight – Every organization shall prepare complete and accurate financial
statements. The board or a committee consisting of a majority of independent members
shall approve the engagement of an independent certified public accountant, review the
annual financial statements, and maintain appropriate communication with the
independent certified public accountant. The board shall be apprised of any material
weaknesses in internal control or other significant risks.

Standard 4 –
Use of Resources and Compliance with Laws – Every organization shall exercise the
appropriate management and controls necessary to provide reasonable assurance that
all of the organization’s operations are carried out and resources are used in a
responsible manner and in conformity with applicable laws and regulations, such
conformity taking into account biblical mandates.

Standard 5 –
Transparency – Every organization shall provide a copy of its current financial statements
upon written request and shall provide other disclosures as the law may require. The
financial statements required to comply with Standard 3 must be disclosed under this
An organization must provide a report, upon written request, including financial information
on any specific project for which it has sought or is seeking gifts.

Standard 6 –
Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions – Every organization shall set
compensation of its top leader and address related-party transactions in a manner that
demonstrates integrity and propriety in conformity with ECFA's Policy for Excellence in
Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions.

Standard 7 –
Stewardship of Charitable Gifts –
7.1 Truthfulness in Communications. In securing charitable gifts, all representations of
fact, descriptions of the financial condition of the organization, or narratives about
events must be current, complete, and accurate. References to past activities or
events must be appropriately dated. There must be no material omissions or
exaggerations of fact, use of misleading photographs, or any other communication
which would tend to create a false impression or misunderstanding.
7.2 Giver Expectations and Intent. Statements made about the use of gifts by an
organization in its charitable gift appeals must be honored. A giver’s intent relates
both to what was communicated in the appeal and to any instructions accompanying
the gift, if accepted by the organization. Appeals for charitable gifts must not create
unrealistic expectations of what a gift will actually accomplish.
7.3 Charitable Gift Communication. Every organization shall provide givers appropriate
and timely gift acknowledgments.
7.4 Acting in the Best Interest of Givers. When dealing with persons regarding
commitments on major gifts, an organization’s representatives must seek to guide
and advise givers to adequately consider their broad interests.
An organization must make every effort to avoid knowingly accepting a gift from, or
entering into a contract with, a giver that would place a hardship on the giver or place
the giver’s future well-being in jeopardy.
7.5 Percentage Compensation for Securing Charitable Gifts. An organization may
not base compensation of outside stewardship resource consultants or its own staff
directly or indirectly on a percentage of charitable contributions raised.

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