Program Details

Flexible Options to Meet Your Needs
Church ministry (especially during difficult seasons) leaves many of us with a level of weariness, confusion, and isolation that simply reading a book, listening to a few podcasts, or attending a conference will fail to relieve. We need what the Psalmist prays for: "Restore to me the joy of your salvation" (Psalm 51:12).
Personal Retreats
We meet with pastors and/or spouses in our home for a 50-hour reset (usually lunch-to-lunch over three days). We walk them through the process of lament and watch the Lord "give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning" (Isaiah 61:3).
Group Retreats
We can help leaders of local or regional networks of pastors offer a retreat in a location convenient to the pastors they serve. A retreat can be designed for small groups of pastors, for spouses, or for both together. All of our retreats invite participants to engage the process of lament as a path to hope and healing.
We can speak at a conference that you plan. We can also coach your leadership team in planning a conference that will refresh clergy and/or spouses. The costs will vary according to what you need.


Our goal is to make the ministry of House of Gladness as available as possible. For retreats and conferences, we ask participants to cover travel and ministry expenses and to consider supporting our ministry so that others can experience the restoration of joy that comes through lament.
Contact us for more information:


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